Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Court's First Post

Hey yall, Just wanted to post an official entry :) I'm hanging in there, longing for a full night's sleep. One day it'll happen, it is just not my season for sleep! The girls are thriving and keeping me constantly on my feet. Brynn is growing really quickly and can't wait to be on the move and playing with Harper. Harper always gets her to smile and is cheering her up if she's fussing, it's really sweet. Brynn is extremely clingy to me (so much so that she'll scream bloody murder if I leave the room) but if you smile at her she'll give you the biggest grin and stick her tiny tongue out- it's pretty dang adorable. She's loving trying out oatmeal and rice cereal and chomps away if she's watching us eat so I think she's looking forward to eating solids. It's crazy to see her sitting in the high chair, I can't believe time has flown so much. If she is ready to eat real food soon I'm going to be donating my milk to Texas Children's Hospital, it's lovely to think that I can help other little babies in need at the NICU, so I'm starting that application process this week. Paul and I are able to get out each Monday night for a dinner out and that's been fabulous and something I look forward to each week. Now we are enjoying our night out in the new car, which is so awesome, I love it. I'm a lucky girl. Yesterday we took it through the carwash and Harper thought it was the most amazing experience and wanted to do it again. Now every car she sees she says it's dirty and should go through the carwash. I remember the first time I went in a carwash, I cried I was so terrified. Today I drove to my new old friend, Ashley's, house off of Cypress N Houston and Jones and passed by the place where Buffy was dropped off and thought of each of you. (and Buffy RIP) Okay, well, it is a miracle and the girls are both asleep so I'm going to heed the moment and try and rest too. Tacos al pastor are simmering in the crock pot so there's little dinner prep to do now. RUN, COURT, RUN BEFORE A CHILD AWAKES! Love yall, CE

Monday, October 12, 2015

How was everyone's weekend?  I spent it at cheer...all.weekend.long.  Teaghan performed at the HS cheer "Cabaret" - which is the equivalent of a very, very long drill team spring show.  Dress rehearsal Thursday night, performance #1 Friday (she went on stage at 9:25 pm!), and 2 performances on Saturday.  Will had football on Saturday too.  Needless to say, this weekend was all about the kids!

This week is homecoming at Rockwall HS.  I just took Hayley shopping for themed shirts at Walmart - best place to buy a tropical themed shirt!  She found one on clearance - a hot pink tshirt with pineapples all over it.  HA!  Perfect.  Wednesday is Superhero day so she got a batman shirt (she only wanted it b/c it came with a hat...silly girl!).  She also got her first hot pink scientific calculator for the 8/9th grade PSAT for her test on Wednesday!  She's getting OLD!  :)  Wednesday everyone is riding on a homecoming float except for me and Garrett.  We'll help decorate before the shindig starts.

Saturday W and T play/cheer at SMU football stadium.  Should be a long day!  Beauty and Pop live right by campus so we'll probably be spending a lot of the day there as they have 3 games hours apart.  I'm hoping to take all the kids on a little tour of they can consider it when they get their million dollars in scholarships!

Gabriel just pulled in from his "float driver" mandatory meeting at my school - better go!  Love y'all!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hopefully you will receive permission to post!  I hope this gets easier!
Yay!  I'm in!  Not much time to post right now, but we're off to watch this girl perform again!